Dr. Swati R Shiv is an author, Energy healer , Soul Empowerment Guru and Emotional Management therapist.

About Dr. Shiva Swati

 Shiva Swati ,RMP(A.M)Cht., (Swati R Shiv) is a Past Life Regression Therapist, Emotional Management therapist  and Soul Empowerment Guru.She is a trained Psychologist and has written six books on self healing with spirituality which are published. Her sessions have high interpretation value & can help heal the problems in a present life by viewing past lives. She is also a Master ..Know More >>

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    "Dr. Swati Shiva was able to assist me in solving a lot of major issues in my personal life. Many things that I did not even know I would discover the answers to , were uncovered through her guidance with my past life regression sessions and healing work... She has a very nurturing gentle yet powerful spirit. She is patient and gently answers questions that you have so that you can independently decide whether you want to work with her and how each method will help you. She never tries to sell herself or convince you of anything. She teaches you skills that empower you to take control of your own life... She flows freely and confidently in her God given work... Thank you for your patience and help. "


    “I contacted Swati last year as I was experiencing many emotional and health problems. I had 3 healings over a period of a few months . Swati used a combination of Reiki, Theta Healing and spirit release healing . Interestingly . she highlighted that she had picked up some disturbance in a specific part of my body and this corresponded with some health problems I was experiencing in that region of my body. She completed some long distance healing and also passed on some information about my life and relationships . This was very helpful as I was able to understand the Karmic ties behind some of the I had with members of my family. Swati taught me some methods of maging these difficult relationships. I also am calmer and my health has improved . Most importantly . I have hope , something I had completely lost over the years.”
  • Kavya Jha

    MBBS. MD. Orthopedics

    Thank you for your guidance, encouragement, patience and support. Of all the blessings I had in 2020, meeting you was one of the best
  • Vidya Bansal


    It was an awesome session. I went with no expectations but I think I got a lot of answers. And the answers kind of offer me a closure and a deeper understanding of the issues I hoped to address through the therapy.Hopefully this understanding will heal me permanently. Other than that, Swati ji was easy to talk to and inspired confidence.
  • Khoosheela B

    Cabin Crew , Mauritius

    I took some time to decide before taking a big step to contact Dr. Swati. Dr. Swati understood my concern and assisted me in every possible ways. I had a serious illness which went soon after sessions with Dr. Swati . She taught me how to be positive in a lot of aspects. While doing the PLR with her, I have learned a lot of things which I value more now. Mrs Swati is a very caring person and I feel that her goal is to make one feel better. She is a blessing. May God bless her always.
  • Lissa

    Teacher, British Overseas Territory

    After Past Life Regression Therapy by Shiva Swati , for the past few days, I have only draw in positive energy, I feel calm and back on track. I feel driven and balanced once again. The session I have with Shiva Swati was amazing. She have help me to see things for what they truly were and although I a happy person by heart, she have help me to think more positive and speak positive things into my life. With her guidance , the most positive thing happen to me this week.
  • Sangeeta Kapur

    Teacher , London ,UK

    I found the distance healing very powerful and calming. I was able to communicate regularly with Swati about dreams and emotions which I experienced after the healing. Highly recommended if you want to experience a deeper type of healing which combines Reiki, spiritual and ancestral aspects
  • Helen

    Finance Manager, India

    Hi, meeting Swati Shiv was my most memorable experience of lifetime. Healing, PLR, spirit release, everything used to seem a lie to me.It was an unbeleivable and magnificient experience for me to go through and come out with flying colours.Iam dissappointed with the fact that if we were an ordinary human being in the past, so that cannot be googled.But , if we were someone significant or contributed something significant, then that could be reconciled with Google.The process and the journey of our self discovery is unbelievable.Guys, it is not a game play or for fun.It is real. I had revelations after analysing my past. This really helped me to gain back confidence and trust on myself. It helps you to identify purpose ,a life path which may not be so smooth but truly satisfying or justifiable.
  • Anuradha Shukla

    MBBS Student, China

    I am 22 and was going through a lot of emotional trauma , depression & was much disconnected from god. Thanks to Dr.Shiva Swati as during the sessions of my distance healing program I went through this wonderful transition. I’m happy, I’m healed & I know myself much better . She also gave me Reiki Attunement which helps a lot in self healing .Thank you for the sessions with you. I definitely feel that something has shifted and I feel better for it.
  • Dr.C. P Kumar

    Professor, Roorkee

    With distance healing sessions with Dr. Swati, we got useful insights for the reasons behind pleasant and unpleasant happenings around us. That gives us clues to heal the issues and march forward in a peaceful manner. Our sincere gratitude to Dr. Swati.
  • Jennifer Hunt , USA

    Manager ,Healing Centre

    Dr. Swati Shiv is the only healer I trust and I always see positive results after consulting with her.The past life healing I experienced was very strong and I feel more confident and vibrant because of it. I recommend her to anyone having a difficult time
  • Dr.Shekhar Bhargava, PhD

    Stress Counsellor, psychotherapist ,Khushi ki pathshala,Bikaner

    I got attuned to reiki (Usui System) level II and III by Swati R Shiv. It was a blissful experience. She is a wonderful teacher and healer with tremendous psychic powers. Reiki teaching and healing comes to her as naturally as breathing to life. She knows her job very well. While training and post training, she provides thorough support through relevant reiki literature and personal counseling. She is always available to guide us in our journey on the path of healing.
  • Abhinav Arora,

    MBBS Student , China

    I got my past life healing done from Dr. Shiv Swati. I also had severe digestive problems along with some spirit problems. I had gone to various people for healing before her but no one could solve the root cause of the problem. In few days only I noticed positive changes in myself . And after healing I am feeling a drastic change in my body and mind. I would recommend everyone who is suffering from untreatable diseases or emotional disturbances in life to get healing process done from Dr. Shiv Swati . Distance Healing Sessions
  • Dishita Sapra


    I want to thank you for attuning me to reiki powers.It was a overwhelming experience .I could literally feel the energies flowing in my body during the attunement process.Thank you always for your informative and nurturing guidance
  • Swapna Khandeparkar

    Writer - Mumbai

    Distance healing addressess the root cause or the core of a problem, a person is undergoing. It is a way to delve deeper within and enquire about the link or the reasons events happen or the role people play in our lives through past life regression. The more complex the issue, more healing is required with energy cutting techniques. Though the emphasis on healing to a greater extent is the responsibility of the patient, by self healing techniques like meditation, mirror work, as suggested in the sessions. There is peace in knowing why certain events had to happen through past life regression analysis, which helps in initiating complete recovery from emotional trauma.
  • Honey

    Entrepreneur, Delhi

    I had an amazing session with Dr.Swati where in we were able to find the underlying root cause to the problems I was facing in this birth, a great life puzzle was solved …. ….I thank you for giving me new life, the life that I wanted….. May you continue to heal the entire humanity… god has sent you as an angel to help the human race….. and you are doing justice to the work assigned to you. You are a natural healer and understand the core of the client. The session has brought some resolution to me. It has shown me that I have battled these feelings before and it is a cycle that I will not repeat now after the session. This was a valuable experience in many ways, too many ways to fit into one little testimonial, but I highly recommend past-life and hypnosis session with Dr.Swati. Thank you soooooooo much...
  • Deepti Sharma

    computer professional - Delhi

    My mind was quite stuck in dilemma of one of the major life situation, for quite some time. I had an emotionally challenged childhood, youth, married life and had too many mental blockages. Which impacted my career, self esteem and health badly. I was dealing with them..accepting life as is, by being religious, spiritual and through practising meditation, but none of them gave me the root cause and solution to my miseries.It was when I started observing the reflection of my negative personality in my child too, that alarmed my senses and a close friend recommended me to meet Swati.Though I was skeptical initially of sharing secrets of my life, as being a self contained person. I must say on our meeting, I opened as a book, and kudos to her listening skills, I spoke for almost 3 hours.. donno if it was her aura or a spiritual being. There I realised a good listener truly wants to know the speaker and it makes the speaker worthy of listening.She helped me to see how many events in my past life had brought me to the place I am today, at the same time allowing me to discover a self-loving person within myself. She has provided me with insight and wisdom far beyond my ability to see and judge. She made me understand the rationality behind taking decisions of life, where we often go emotional, and there by change our karmas. Which we might not deserve.I would just say, that I am more clearer in my thoughts now, I feel worthy and more loving. And as I am practising meditation techniques recommended by her after the session, I am throwing away negativities and discovering goodness within myself, my child and strengthening faith in the environment that serves to protect us.
  • Meera

    Officer In Central Government

    Sessions helped me in understanding hidden cause of pain and developing more detached outlook towards life. This in turn was instrumental in staying more calm from within. Though, in beginning, I was apprehensive about whether I will be able to see past life and recognise connection with my present relationships but was able to see past life relating to two births. Got answers to my queries also.
  • P. Padma

    Homemaker & Singer

    I had been suffering from claustrophobia since my childhood & I wanted to address the issue and get over it. I felt the issue must be from my Past lives. I read few books written by an American author & psychiatrist Brien Weiss .. (1) Many lives Many Masters (2) Messages from the Masters (3) Same Soul Many Bodies…. etc . I was in search of a Past life regression therapist, my search ended on finding Dr. Shiva Swati. I took an appointment & visited her office for the therapy sessions. She explained to me about the sessions & told me it can’t be cleared in one session. So I took 5 sessions . First session was soul clearance. Second session she took me to deep guided meditation, I thought I was imagining things & probably I’m a good script writer. I laughed at myself… but actually I saw few life times. In the consecutive three sessions I really went deep into meditation and explored few more life times.. I uncovered the infinite loops of life and death and ultimately cleansed some of the traumas. During the session my body, hands & heart were buzzing, as if I was hallucinating. In each session there was different spirit guide and I learnt few lessons after each session. In one of the session I was literally in tears, the mind goes so deep that I was trapped in that lifetime. I read somewhere that “ There are more neurological connections in our brains than stars in the universe.” I saw 12 Lifetimes & there was a pattern of lifetimes…… It was repetitive to learn the same lessons. “ My soul lesson was to understand other people’s perspective and loving them even if they do not agree with me” This is what Dr. Shiva Swati interpreted after the conclusion of my therapy sessions. After 3 days of my therapy I saw Mallard duck in my dreams, it was very vivid & I felt it was poking me while I was fast asleep. I was trying to understand the spiritual message it came to give me.. with deep contemplation I found out that it was telling me to …” Be calm on the surface, but always paddle like the dickens underneath the water.” I think to cross the ocean of life time or like we say in Hindi “ भव सागर “. This is the spiritual message for me .. Thanks Dr. Shiva Swati for the therapy & listening to me patiently during sessions.. Stay blessed.

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